IIEE 44th Annual National SMX Convention Center
Nov. 27-30, 2019
OVERVIEW: Last Nov. 27-30, 2019, the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IIEE), the only accredited professional organization of electrical practitioners by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) in the Philippines, had their 44th Annual National Convention (ANC) at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City.
This year’s theme was “Distinctive Journey on Advancing Global Competitiveness.\”
Several convention activities were held simultaneously with the 3E XPO 2019 such as:
– Technical Sessions and Product Presentations;
– EE Educator’s Forum/Practitioners Forum,
– Plant Tour and others.
SunSmart\’s Participation and Highlight: SunSmart, being one of the sponsors, showcased its pillars of innovation: the SunSmart i-Series with the i-Smart Solar Mini Grid Hybrid Power Station as the main highlight. Since we are on a mission of renewable electrification and disrupting the market with our forward-thinking technology, it is our aim to introduce and educate electrical engineers that the technology is available and existing now in the Philippines through SunSmart. Aside from the exhibit, our President, Ms. Jenny Lin Maaño, will also be one of the resource speakers on the Microgrid segment to discuss how the technology and innovation of SunSmart i-Smart Mini Grid can empower far-flung areas and areas with zero grid or totally no electricity. This is scheduled on Nov. 30, 2019, 1:00PM at the Activity Area.